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Venture Crews: Add Scuba and Snorkeling Adventures

Venture Crews are uniquely qualified to dream up, plan, and execute SCUBA as High Adventure. See the PDF guide below discussing our ideas on how Scuba Diving and Snorkeling can be part of a Venture Crew's year. Have fun!   Download PDF File Here

  1709 Hits

Presentation - Scuba in Scouting

Scuba in Scouting Presentation PADI(r) and Scuba-scouts.org designed a PowerPoint presentation suitable for Roundtable Meetings and other opportunities to educate Scout Leaders (Youth and Adult) especially Venture Crews on the various elements of Scuba that fit in the various Scouting programs… all levels. The handout version is below. Call David S...

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  1757 Hits

The Diver's Database

Dive Sites: http://www.divebuddy.com/divesites.aspx https://www.sportdiver.com/photos/planets-50-greatest-dives SSI Verification: https://www.divessi.com/en/myssi/verification/ PADI ProCheck: https://apps.padi.com/scuba-diving/pro-chek/ Your PADI Certifications: https://apps.padi.com/scuba-diving/replacement-card/default.aspx SCUBABoard.com https:/...

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  1971 Hits

Branded Dive Gear

The Dive Gear you always wanted? Order HERE and use the Logo (Click the logo and save image)

  1760 Hits

Venture Crews that Can be a Resource for You

If you are thinking about starting a Venture Crew with at least part focus on SCUBA, here are units nationwide actively doing that you can get in touch with: Venture Crew 820 If you would like to learn more about Venture Crew 820, or are ready to join, contact: Dean Soderbeck: 651-483-8596 (evenings) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. https://crew820bsa.com/&...

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  1704 Hits

Leadership Development for ScubaScouts

Five Star Leadership® has a commitment to the Boy Scouts of America® and how that organization develops youth. We have leadership programs that are fully integrated with how the BSA® presents these skills. We build on these in an Advanced Skills methodology. We provide these as a cost-only program in support of the BSA®. Please send me an email reg...

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  1665 Hits

Scuba Scholarships (ScubaShips?)

The Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) presents the Dive to Adventure Scholarship Program. This program provides funds at multiple levels of training, from open water diver to instructor. Download PDF File Here

  2538 Hits

For Dive Pros Interested in Working with Scouts

Dear Dive Shop Professional, How to work with the Scouts. I hear that you spend a lot of "free time" that doesn't go where you want it to go. The way that rarely works is offering Discover Scuba programs and hope for conversions to Open Water. The reason is that the Discover Scuba is an end itself in terms of the program in the minds of the Scouts....

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  1774 Hits

BSA's Exploring Program - Helping Develop the Next Scuba Pros

Do you know much about Exploring in the Boy Scouts of America's total programs? It is a program that is career-oriented. While Scout Troops and Venture Crews may involve Scuba, an Explorer Post that is Scuba oriented will be mostly Scuba in its activities. Visit them here. Cutting to the chase, learn more about Exploring to see if your shop might w...

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  1675 Hits