

Scuba diving as part of a career has so many possibilities (see: https://www2.padi.com/blog/tag/scuba-jobs/). Many young adults would like to explore Scuba as a career, but it is costly for instruction and equipment. Oafound.org actively searches for these young adults to provide them with encouragement to learn Scuba and develop leadership skills to take into their initial career steps. Maybe they won’t stay in a scuba related profession, but they will have learned a whole lot about the environment, leadership, and themselves.

This is how oafound.org looks at scuba as young adult development: it is a tool that encompasses many aspects of growth. Scuba can also provide early adulthood income, travel, and excitement. The Scubaships are designed to get the young adult well on the path to understanding if Scuba is something that is a career pursuit for them. Please help this effort with whatever amount you can. Thank you.

Please, if the message moves you, go to our homepage and click the DONATE button in the upper right corner. All amounts welcome!

Thank you in advance for your generosity. If you have any questions, go to our homepage and there is a form at the bottom to send oafound.org a message.

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How your donations help!

Scouterships to assist adult volunteers to attend national training for their position in Scouting.
Scubaships for youth interested in Scuba as a Career but don’t have the cash to get it done.
Ready Set Dive! training project for adaptive diving for handicapped divers and their support teams, especially our wounded war veterans.
Funding for Leadership Development for Non-Profits - leadership workshops to be available live in-person, live online, and recorded for on-demand use.
Replenish the Opportunity Fund that oafound.org uses when a great idea needs some funding such as our Friends of Camp McLoughlin projects.




 All Donations are Fully Tax Deductible as a contribution to our 501(c)(3) EIN 20-1577466  



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